Level the playing field when negotiating your lease
Tenant-rep brokerage for commercial real estate. We represent tenants only, with no conflicts of interest. We are dedicated to serving our clients' best interests.
Decades of experience, refined with every project.
Unwavering tenant advocacy. Refreshing honesty and transparency. A widely respected reputation, built on genuine relationships and decades of demonstrated expertise.
These are the hallmarks that have made First New York Realty a trusted name in the complex world of NYC commercial real estate leasing.
Our holistic approach and commitment to doing the right thing ensure your interests are protected in every way. When you work with us, you're in good hands.

Like the buildings in NYC, we’ve been exposed to all the elements for decades.
We know what we’re doing.
We have applied our decades of experience in closing hundreds of significant deals in every type of building in every district in New York, and beyond. We are experts in the field. We are methodical, and yet creative.
We know what you’re doing.
We’ve done deals in every imaginable industry segment. We know what matters most to banks, to doctors, to hedge funds, to manufacturers. We can speak your language, as well as the language of the folks across the table.
We have no conflicts of interest.
Nobody owns us, and we own nothing. We are an independently-owned firm. We don’t “feature” our own buildings; we have no commercial real estate holdings in New York. We are focused on your objectives only.
It’s not just talk. We’ve done things.
In every significant commercial real estate transaction, there are significant challenges to overcome. In these case studies, we’ll try to show how we helped solve some complex problems in creative ways, turning sometimes daunting challenges into strategic wins.